We invite all African/African American/Black scholars to attend this event at Salt Lake Community College (SLCC). We will offer great workshops to inspire your students to continue on their academic paths. Colleges and universities across the state will be here to help you prepare for education and career opportunities.
Community members are invited to a free event on Saturday, November 8 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. to explore career and college opportunities. Meet local employers who value diversity.
On Friday, November 7 Salt Lake Community College will host Expect the Great. Expect the Great is a FREE college and career readiness fair specifically for the African and African American communities in Utah and beyond. November 7 is a day specifically for Black Student Union members and leaders, and November 8 is the full college and career readiness fair. Register online, or call 801.957.4073 for information. If you would like to attend the Black Student Union events on Friday, November 7, please contact Sheree Haggan at sheree.haggan@usu.edu. This event is sponsored by all Utah public institutions of higher education. Utah State University is proud to support Expect the Great.
November 07, 2014
Salt Lake Community College, Taylorsville Redwood Campus, Student Center
Salt Lake Community College is hosting the fourth annual “Expect the Great” state-wide conference focusing on a college and career event targeting members of the African/African American/Black communities with the purpose of providing information, resources, and support to prepare for college education and careers. The conference will be held at Salt Lake Community College, Taylorsville Redwood Campus, Student Center from 8:30 – 2:30 on Saturday, Nov. 8th.
The theme is “Build – Invest – Connect.” This year’s conference will offer the following :
The following workshops will be held:
Workshops involving Black Student Union college groups will focus on college support to encourage degree completion.
Workshops for high school students encouraging college planning and readiness.
The community-at-large is invited to attend a Career Fair and College Fair beginning at 1:30pm.